Transforming anxiety
From Hot Mess to Superpower
Todd Kaufman, author and Psychotherapist/Coach delivers a practical yet engaging book based in the neuroscience of change and how this protocol has changed the lives of 1000’s of anxiety sufferers.
Thousand’s of people have used the Anxiety Release Protocol (ARP) to finally end their anxiety challenges. This is the complete handbook, written for you, and used by master therapists worldwide. Finally, The Complete Solution!
This is No ‘Shelf-Help’ Book!
From page one, this book grabs your attention with fascinating stories of people whose lives were changed – and how it happens! The Anxiety Release Protocol (ARP) is unfolded in the midst of powerful stories:
A bride’s complete meltdown quickly turns into the perfect wedding,
An 737 jetliner, high above the Canadian prairies aborts an emergency landing after a first class passenger’s panic quickly dissipates when an ARP therapist intervenes.
New Strategies are coupled with techniques you may have tried before with limited success. Now, based on a powerful foundation and specific protocol you are suddenly knocking it out of the park!
It truly is The Complete Solution!

Hooked from the first page! That could have been my wedding that was saved! And now, what panic attacks?!!
I’ve so got this now!

Todd’s Anxiety Release Protocol changed my world when I was in university. ARP helped me master crippling anxiety, and carve out an incredible life.
SAntigo Pozno

Balancing full-time uni, a career and family was stressing me out – and the panic attacks were terrifying. An incredible relief to have found this answer. Finally, I really enjoy all the blessings life has offered me.

Get your copy now!
You deserve a life free of panic attacks and unruly anxiety. You or someone you know has likely struggled with so many ‘solutions’ for years – which worked for a bit, or not at all. Finally, this engaging book gives you exactly what you need to know to start enjoying life, and letting those stressful moments roll

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